A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and advisor when his absolute rule shall cease.

Elizabeth Gaskell
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so...
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so...
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so...
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so...
About This Quote

The idea that a wise parent will allow their children to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes is a common one. The truth is that parents make the best decisions for their children when they allow them to make their own decisions. It is much better for them to grow up and learn on their own than to have someone telling them what they must do. A wise parent also teaches his or her child about life by being an example of behaviour, so as to become the friend and advisor when his or her absolute rule shall cease.

Source: North And South

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More Quotes By Elizabeth Gaskell
  1. One word more. You look as if you thought it tainted you to beloved by me. You cannot avoid it. Nay, I, if I would, cannotcleanse you from it. But I would not, if I could. I have neverloved any woman before: my life has...

  2. I wanted to see the place where Margaret grew to what she is, even at the worst time of all, when I had no hope of ever calling her mine.

  3. Take care. If you do not speak — I shall claim you as my own in some strange presumptuous way. Send me away at once, if I must go; — Margaret! —

  4. Loyalty and obedience to wisdom and justice are fine; but it is still finer to defy arbitrary power, unjustly and cruelly used--not on behalf of ourselves, but on behalf of others more helpless.

  5. I'll not listen to reason... reason always means what someone else has got to say.

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